New York Yankees president Randy Levine thinks that Milwaukee Brewers owner Mark Attanasio should stop complaining about the Brewers' money troubles. Listed below, are the points and counterpoints about whether Mr. Levine has a valid point: Point: Yes, Randy Levine is right. The Yankees aren't breaking any rules. Counterpoint: No, the rules are a joke. The players' union has taken over and made a farce of the game. P: Teams that don't have the money just have to spend more wisely. CP: That sounds easy enough. However, the Yankees will spend over $120 million more than the Brewers in salaries in 2010. That gives them a gigantic competitive advantage. P: Perhaps the Brewers should spend all the revenue sharing money to improve the team. CP: What are you suggesting? P: They receive hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue sharing. CP: There was over $400 million paid out in revenue sharing and luxury tax last year. That money is spread out over a lot teams. P: S...