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Democrats - The party of war

Under President Woodrow Wilson, 116,516 soldiers died in World War I during 1917-18. 
Under President Franklin Roosevelt, 405,399 died in WWII during 1941-45. 
Under President Harry Truman, 54,246 died in Korea during 1950-53. 
Under President John F. Kennedy, 191 died in Vietnam during 1961-63. 

Under President Lyndon Johnson, 48,399 died in Vietnam during 1964-69. 

Under President Richard Nixon, 21,194 American soldiers were killed in Vietnam during 1969-74. 

Under President George H.W. Bush, 383 died in the Gulf War in 1991. 

Under President George W. Bush, 4,371 died in Iraq during 2003-09, and 947 soldiers died during 2001-09 in Afghanistan.

Under President Barack Obama, 124 died in Iraq during 2001-09, and 1,749 soldiers died from 2009-16 in Afghanistan.

So, here are the totals:
626,761 soldiers killed under Democrat presidents.
26,895 soldiers killed under Republican presidents.

Of course, the number of casualties bears no relation to the number of wars and conflicts in our history. Further analysis might also include the backgrounds to each conflict involving the military. It might also include every action ever taken by the military for political (NOT to "protect our freedom") reasons. Also, Hawaii wasn't part of the USA in 1941 but was an American protectorate. 


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