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Limitless: Ten things I learned watching Limitless with Bradley Cooper

Don't read this if you haven't seen Limitless yet.The movie is pretty good.

1. NZT enables the person who ingests it to use 100% of his brain instead of the normal 10-20%.

2. If one could use 100%, he would not bother with levitation, telekinesis, or time travel. He would think it is more fun to wow people with his vast knowledge at parties.

3. NZT is powerful but it won't help you to remember to pay off the Russian gangster who will kill you if you don't repay him.

4. You can sprint on ice without sliding.

5. When being chased on ice by a man looking for NZT, grab the nearest little girl and swing her into the stalker.

6. If you run out of NZT, simply drink the blood of someone who has just taken it.

7. When the Russian gangster demands NZT, instead of giving it to him, making him smarter, you might consider giving him poison instead.

8. Keep every one of your NZT pills in your jacket so that anyone can easily take it. That is much more secure than a safe.

9. An $8 million safe house won't protect you from Russian gangsters with chainsaws.

10. The hero of the story is the only one who thinks up the idea to make more pills.


  1. Great blog man! I usually folow the sports stuff in this blog, but it's nice to find out that we like the same movies too, keep it up!

  2. Thanks, dude...I did like Limitless.

  3. I totally agree that the movie had flaws (although I did like it) that you mentioned here.


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