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Keys to success in college

Many a kid got by just fine in high school by doing a minimal amount of work. Some of them made the mistake of putting the same amount of effort into college. Don't make this mistake. Most of those kids didn't graduate. Do this instead.


Preparation is important to your success. Just try to be prepared for what is ahead. You can easily do this by taking a few minutes on Saturday or Sunday to plan the next week. Are any assignments due? Is there a test coming up? If you're way behind, now is the time to catch up. Don't be surprised when something is due.

At the beginning of the semester, each class will provide a syllabus. Read it! It will include important dates. It will also tell you what is going to be covered during the semester.


I know what you're thinking. Planners are outdated and dumb. Well, they've been around forever for a reason. Writing things down helps you remember to do them. You'll also be more likely to get everything done. Keep the planner up to date and review it often.

Study tip

When studying, if you involve as many of your five senses as possible, you'll be more likely to remember the material. Highlighting is one way to do this because it involves your arms and eyes and adds color. If you get a fruit-scented highlighter, that's even better. The key is to put more of your body into the process which helps in remembering the material.

Stay Organized

If you've ever packed a suitcase for vacation, you might have noticed that more stuff fits in there when it's neatly folded. If you just throw it in, you may not have room for your fancy new outfit. Well, you can apply this to school by organizing course papers. Get a 3-ring binder and some folders. Organize by subject.

Attend class!

There will be days that you don't want to get out of bed to go to class. Do it anyway. When possible, choose class times that work for you. If you're not a morning person, don't sign up for an 8 AM class! You're setting yourself up for a difficult semester.

When you get to class, take notes. One simple reason is that actively taking notes will help keep you engaged. When I say take notes, I'm not talking about just writing down what's on the board. I'm recommending that you write down everything that the instructor says. Seriously. Write down everything. Why? Generally, the instructor will talk about things that are important. Sometimes, they even say "This would make a good test question." Circle that!


Do I have to tell you to finish your work on time? No, just do it! If you consider homework assignments an open-book test, that might help. For a sports analogy: homework is a layup. Homework is basically free points. Complete reading assignments even if they aren't graded.


You have to find what works for you but here are some suggestions:

  1. Read the material before class. This will make studying for the exam so much easier.
  2. Read those notes you took in class. Use the book as needed.
  3. Study guides - Just creating them will help you remember.
  4. Avoid cramming - Think of an airplane. It takes a lot of gas to get the plane up in the air. When it gets to its cruising altitude, it uses far less. Try to get to the cruising altitude before the test.
  5. Study first, play later - Trust me, there will be plenty of time for fun.


  1. Take advantage of support services.
  2. Meet with your teacher - they work for you.
  3. Visit a tutor if you need one.

Hey, good luck!

Now, click here for some oral hygiene tips.


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