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Movie review: The Ritual on Netflix

Here is the deal, there are five friends. Two of them enter a liquor store. One of those two gets killed by some psychotic punks while the other is hiding. He feels guilty because he did not help. Good luck getting over that, right? After this, the four remaining besties reunite for a hike. One of these gents hurts his knee really badly so they decide to take the shortcut through the Scandinavian wilderness. Needless to say - madness ensues.

The four guys do a lot of yelling as they try to find their way. When they see a gutted bear in the trees, they should have known something strange was amiss but, no...they keep going only to encounter more scary stuff.

This movie has a Blair Witch Project vibe. The monster is very impressive. I expected a cheap CGI monster with camera tricks and careful editing but it is much better.

Check it out...I mean, you have the Netflix subscription already so you should use it. If you don't, just use a friend's account. They won't care.

Next movie review


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