This Netflix movie lies at the crossroads of Big and Groundhog Day. In this story, we meet Noah (Adam DeVine) who is attending his good friend Avery's (Alexandra Daddario) engagement party. He met Avery exactly three years ago when she put him the friend zone even though he is in love with her. He proceeds to get all super annoying drunk and confesses to Avery's photographer roommate Carrie (Shelley Hennig) that he has been pining for Avery since day one. Noah returns to the photo booth (Big) where he and Avery snapped some pics, falls asleep, and somehow goes back in time. Well, of course, time-travelling madness ensues as Noah tries to get Avery to fall in love with him, fails repeatedly, then returns to the photo booth and tries again (Groundhog Day). This movie is not all that different than the movies found on the Hallmark channel (sadly, I know). So, if you like that sort of thing, check it out. ...and another movie review .