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Olan Mills awesomeness

 Those glasses came free with a purchase of Brut cologne.
 Thoughtful Lance. Mirthful Lance. Two sides of a delightful coin.
 Drake won Bitchin'est Senior Mullet by a landslide.
 That dude wore a tie for nothing.
 The Purvis family made several stops along the Oregon Trail to document their six-month journey. This photo was taken just two weeks before the dysentery took Momma to Jesus.
I wanted a shot like this for my wedding. The Mrs. said no.
 It's called a leisure suit, ladies and germs, and if you didn't have one in the early 70s, you were a big fat loser. Mine was teal. I wore it with a silk floral shirt and a long necklace with a football player pendant that we all got at that year's team banquet. I was THE MAN.
 Once they had two or three, how did they ever find enough time alone to make more?
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 Olan Mills backdrop #4: Bucolic Meadow with Split Rail Fence. Is that an animal carcass behind her?
 A pose like this will get you kicked right out of the Convention. 
 Bobbi isn't the first waitress to fall for her manager, but she and Dale both got fired from Shoney's. 
 Rejected Toby Keith album cover. 
 Dawn and her recently exhumed sister, Gorgotha, pose with Scraps.
 This photo isn't discolored. The 70s really were that Orange .
 And don't miss the First Presbyterian Players as they perform "Godspell" next Wednesday night in the Fellowship Hall. Childcare will be provided. Please bring a covered dish.
 Olan Mills Backdrop #11: The Library, one of their most popular themes, as seen in this photo of the young Unabomber and his wife.
 The Library might be more believable if the shelves weren't sloping downhill.
 Patrick broke ranks and chose drag over the bow tie.
 You'd think Pearle Vision would throw in another two pairs for free.
 Grapefruit smuggling isn't a crime, but posing it in profile should be.
 Kenneth and his prom date.
 I got a 20 that says he drives a Camaro.
 Hiroshima , 1945. The last known photo of Kelli and Senor Loco.
 Someone spent money on this.
 It's so cute when couples have matching hairdos.
 Nothing says 1973 quite like denim and helmet hair.
 I'd hide my face, too, little girl.
B-52's, the early years.


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