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Showing posts from May, 2011

Should the NCAA pay college athletes?

College football players already receive $17,000 a year in cash. All that dough is received within NCAA rules. The typical non-freshman Arkansas football player received the cash listed below in 2010-11: $5,500- Pell Grant $500- Clothing Fund $8,024- Fall and Spring Room and Board $3,016- Summer Room and Board $17,040- Grand Total Check it out right here .

Tiger Woods drops out of the top 10

Tiger Woods has fallen to 12th in the world rankings, dropping out of the top 10 for the first time in 14 years. This had to be expected for these reasons: Tiger is getting older. He has knee issues. His personal life has changed. He is probably still adjusting. Click here for the Huffington Post article. Click here to read an argument about whether Tiger Woods is better than Jack Nicklaus.

Blonde joke

A young ventriloquist is touring the clubs and one night he's doing a show in a small town in West Virginia. With his dummy on his knee, he starts going through his usual dumb blonde jokes when a blonde woman in the 4th row stands on her chair and starts shouting: "I've heard enough of your stupid blonde jokes. What makes you think you can stereotype women that way? What does the color of a person's hair have to do with her worth as a human being? It's guys like you who keep women like me from being respected at work and in the community and from reaching our full potential as a person. Because you and your kind continue to perpetuate discrimination against not only blondes , but women in general...and all in the name of humor!!" The embarrassed ventriloquist begins to apologize, and the blonde yells, "You stay out of this mister!!! I'm talking to that little shit on your knee!"

22 Jokes/puns

1. How Do You Catch a Unique Rabbit? Unique Up On It. 2. How Do You Catch a Tame Rabbit? Tame Way, Unique Up On It. 3. How Do Crazy People Go Through The Forest ? They Take The Psycho Path 4. How Do You Get Holy Water? You Boil The Hell Out Of It. 5. What Do Fish Say When They Hit a Concrete Wall? Dam! 6. What Do Eskimos Get From Sitting On The Ice too Long? Polaroids 7. What Do You Call a Boomerang That Doesn't work? A Stick 8.. What Do You Call Cheese That Isn't Yours? Nacho Cheese. 9.. What Do You Call Santa's Helpers? Subordinate Clauses. 10. What Do You Call Four Bullfighters In Quicksand? Quattro Sinko.. 11. What Do You Get From a Pampered Cow? Spoiled Milk. 12. What Do You Get When You Cross a Snowman With a Vampire? Frostbite. 13.! What Lies At The Bottom Of The Ocean And Twitches? A Nervous Wreck. 14. What's The Difference Between Roast Beef And Pea Soup? Anyone Can Roast Beef. 15. Where Do You Find a Dog With No Leg

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