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Beanie in the Bottle

When Ben left school with his twin sister Beth, he thought it would be the same as any other day. This normally means sitting by Angie and enjoying their short time together. However, Ben soon realized that this day would be different when an unexpected friend joins him in his seat. This friend made some poor choices on the way that led to Ben's bus privileges getting revoked.  So, Ben had to walk all the way to school the next day. He recruited his friend Cole to take the shortcut through the haunted woods. On the way there, they broke some bottles, saw an outhouse with dead flies, almost fell into a creek, and found an antique bottle that may or may not have something unexpected inside. All that happened next was the weirdest day EVER!   Join Ben and his friends on this fun adventure!! Click here to check it out .
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Ambition There's nothing wrong with ambition. It's not a bad thing at all. Far from it. In fact, ambition is essential to living a fulfilled and meaningful life. Ambition is not just about earning money. It's the desire to do things you want to have done rather than always doing the things you want to do. Unambitious Picture in your mind a person who has only one guiding principle which is simply to always do the things they feel like doing at the moment. They only do whatever is most enjoyable right now. The things that make them feel good right now. This is an unambitious life. People like this will never do anything worthwhile with their lives because the most enjoyable thing at any given moment is always going to be sitting on the couch and watching television or endlessly scrolling their phones. This is why a lot of people never do anything and accomplish nothing. They always do what they feel like doing right now which is nothing. Who really feels like doing anything,

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Fruit - why you should be eating it first

Why should you eat fruit? People tend to crave sweets. This is especially true during the holiday season. Here is an idea: when you feel the urge for chocolate, cookies, or candy, maybe choose nature’s sweets instead (yup, that’s fruit). Fruits will satisfy you and give you vitamins and nutrients that can help lower your risk for heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Plus, fruits are low in fat, salt, and calories. Now how ‘bout them apples?! Here is how: Remove junk food from your home and work area. Yes, lose those tempting candies and desserts. Replace them with easy-to-grab fruits, like bananas, apples, oranges, and berries. When you’re short on time (and craving sugar), making a healthy choice will be easier. Try these recipes: Frozen banana pops Mix Greek yogurt, honey, and vanilla until smooth. Coat bananas in the sauce. Then, dip bananas in crushed almonds. Freeze and allow the dessert to harden. Yummy fruit salad Slice and dice your favorite fruits — apples, pears, kiwi

Get Along for Success — Theodore Roosevelt

“The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.” — Theodore Roosevelt Working closely with people is key to success. Do your best to cultivate strong relationships with colleagues. Try to connect when you can. Your team will thank you! Want to be a great teammate? Author Jon Gordon says one of the most powerful things you can do is stay positive.  To share positive energy with your team, try:  Showing them kindness, respect, and gratitude.  Reminding them their work is meaningful.  Offering support to those who are struggling.  Forgiving mistakes.  Check out this post about staying positive .

Seven benefits of exercise

Exercise is an important factor in happiness, self-confidence, and self-discipline. A good first step to starting an exercise program is decide on three days that ou can dedicate to exercise. Try to space them out evenly throughout the week. Open your calendar and mark these days as "Exercise Day". Whenever this day comes around, force yourself to get up and get in some sort of exercise.  Your daily workout does more than build your muscles. It will help you: 1. feel good about yourself 2. boost your self-esteem 3. be healthier 4. boost your brainpower 5. improve your attention 6. Improve reasoning 7. Improve memory  Eventually, work your way up to a 30-minute workout, 5 days a week.  Your brain will benefit as much as your biceps! Click  here to see how carbs can make you fat .

Tips to feeling better

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